Belmont-Ohio-Marshall Transportation Study (Belomar) is the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for Belmont County in Ohio, and Ohio and Marshall Counties in West Virginia. The MPO is responsible for carrying out the Comprehensive, Coordinated and OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAContinuing (3C) transportation planning process in the three county area. Under the Federal-Aid-Highway Act of 1962 all urbanized areas of 50,000 or more population in the country were required to have the 3C planning process. Subsequent transportation acts have further defined the emphasis areas of national interest to be addressed within the 3C planning process. However, all transportation acts have required the MPOs to have an approved Long Range Transportation Plan that addresses the long term goals and objectives of the area and the Transportation Improvement Program that contains projects, consistent with the Long Range Plan, to be implemented within the next four year period.


The area is in attainment of the 1997 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) except PM2.5. For the PM2.5, EPA has found that emissions from the mobile sources are insignificant. Although the area was designated non-attainment for the 1997 Ozone standards, the attainment was achieved ahead of schedule. For the 2008 Ozone standard area is not classified because the air quality standard is met.

Belomar staff works under the direction of a Policy Committee consisting of local elected and appointed officials.

Additional Resources:

Belomar MPO Prospectus & Bylaws

External Transportation Links
