The Belomar Regional Council’s Transportation Study Policy Committee is the decision-making body for the distribution of regionally allocated federal transportation funds to support eligible projects in its planning area. These funds, suballocated from both Ohio and West Virginia, must align with federal and state requirements and regional transportation priorities. This document establishes policies and procedures for allocating and managing these funds, ensuring fair distribution and compliance. Ohio suballocates Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Carbon Reduction Program (CRP), Transportation Alternatives (TA), and Surface Transportation Block Grant (STBG) funds to all of Belmont County within the MPO. However, Belomar voluntarily surrenders its TA funds to compete for statewide TA funding. West Virginia only suballocates a portion of the federally required funds to urban areas with 50,000-200,000 population within the WV portion of the Wheeling, WV-OH Urban Area, as defined by the U.S. Census. Funded projects must be located within Belomar’s planning area, comply with federal eligibility requirements, and align with the Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). Prioritization is based on accessibility, regional mobility, safety, infrastructure condition, and sustainability goals.
Project Funding Policy Download